Valentine's Treasure Hunt
Next dates
Closing Date For Entries: 10 Feb 25
An unmarked treasure hunt in the Surrey Hills (Blackheath Common area). Think orienteering on horseback - we give you a map and the location of a 'treasure' and you go off to find it! Perfect for practising your map reading with the comfort that someone can come and find you if needed!
On The Hoof Distance Training organises fun and educational rides, clinics and other activities, including individual coaching in-person and online. See our website for more details.
All equines to be vaccinated against Equine Influenza.
Valentines themed Fancy Dress encouraged!!
Start timings: From 1000hrs (actual times to be allocated - please indicate if there is a preference to start early or late - no starters after 1130hrs)
Payment Details & Event Fees
Bookings in advance. You can book using our Secure Online Entry System.
Payment is secure and it goes directly to On The Hoof Distance Training. BOOK HERE
The organisers reserve the right to cancel, postpone or alter the event at any time.
Prize Information
Rosettes for all
Prize for Best Fancy Dress